Nail Art

Newspaper Nail Art


This is an incredible effect you can make yourself on your nails.

1. Paint your nails in grey color, allow it to dry
2. Dip your nail in rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol). I have used an after shave lotion instead! 😉
3. Press a strip of newspaper firmly on your nails and peel it off after few seconds
4. Apply a top coat


And now you can have the latest news on your finger tips! 😉

Simple Stripes
If you are bored of painting your nails in the usual style, make use of this interesting effect. Stripes on the top!


Spooky Eyes Nail Art
This is easy and an interesting nail art. This involves just three simple steps.

  1. Double coat black color nail polish
  2. Instead of using a dotted pen I’ve used ear buds to keep dots 😉
  3. With the nail brush keep a small dot inside the white area (you can place the black dots pointing at different sides in each nail for it to be real spooky 🙂

Try not to get scared looking at your nails as the spooky eyes are staring at you 😉


Shoe Nail Art

Now your fingers are ready to walk with your new Shoes 🙂



Stone Nail Art

This is a simple nail art design with stones

This is a simple nail art design with stones

Simple Nail Art

A simple traditional nail art

A simple traditional nail art

Flower Nail Art

Smell the aroma of flowers!!!


Elegant Nail Art


Watermelon Nail Art

A luscious and delicious fruit right in your finger tips..


Glossy Nail Art


Minnie Mouse Nail Art

Here’s a puppet show with your nails 🙂

Minnie Nair Art

Simple Nail Art

Black & red Nail art

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